
Created by Michael 4 years ago
I fondly remember Michael taking a quiet interest as I started to discover that I wanted to spend my life working in opera and theatre. One thing I admired and respected was the fact he never wanted to use his position at the National Theatre to give anyone any favours. I even remember him walking past and then greeting me with a big smile on his face as I was sitting on the concrete outside the National queuing for a day ticket to see the extraordinary production of The Orestia by Peter Hall and Harrison Birtwistle (I wanted to see it a second time). After a brief chat, he went in to work and I had to stay on the concrete, but no doubt he knew I would get in judging from the number of people in front of me. He did however arrange for me to meet the senior staff producer at the National, and although that came to nothing, I was very grateful for the experience. I’m sure Michael was greatly amused when I actually turned down a job offer from Peter Hall, long after Michael had left the NT. Peter invited me to assist him at Glyndebourne but I was already booked to direct a community show in the South Wales Valleys, and when I explained this to Peter Hall he was astonished! How could I turn HIM down, for THAT?
The opera I was involved in was never really something that especially motivated Michael, but he was always interested to hear how my career was developing and his passion for theatre burned strongly. The last time I was with both him and Caroline in their Tunbridge Wells home he eagerly showed me video clips of his towering King Lear and various clips of his TV work. Proud as Punch! I always found his career a source of inspiration. Moving from tissues to managing one of the great British theatrical institutions, based on professional knowledge and expertise and a real passion.
Finally, my daughter Ceri and I had dinner with Michael and Caroline at Richard and Jude’s one Christmas a few years back. He had Ceri in splits! I don’t think she’d ever met a man of his age who could be so much (rude) fun! And I think he found her equally surprising. He had such vitality, uncompromising views and great wit.
Michael McCarthy